The Competence Center for Educational Development And Research in Higher Education (CEDAR) at thr IWP-HSG and the Office for Quality Development at the HSG (QE) have been offering lecturers at the HSG Teaching Analysis Polls (TAPs) since 2016. This is a qualitative, participatory feedback method that lecturers can use voluntarily during the semester to find out from their students (1) what makes their learning possible and (2) what makes it more difficult. In addition, (3) the specific opportunities for improvement identified can be integrated directly into teaching.
TAPs are conducted exclusively at the request of lecturers and are intended purely as a feedback tool.
Dr. Birgit Hawelka provides a brief overview of the method in this blog post:
Hawelka, B. (2021, 18. November). Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP) – mehr als qualitative Evaluation. Lehr-blick – ZHW Uni Regensburg.
Academic Staff